How will future generations view early 21st century Britain? An age of enlightenment that allowed more women than ever to work, redefined loud arguments as domestic violence, exposed childhood sexual abuse and extended the benefits of prosperity to more people than ever. This is the spin of the neo-liberal media, i.e. you’ve never had it
⋯Corporate Mercenaries
The LM Gang are back, this time advocating, in a new C4 documentary Britain’s Trillion pound Horror Story, the privatisation of healthcare and education and downsizing of the rest of the public sector to reduce taxes, the national debt and stimulate economic growth. Back in 1998 a post-modern intellectual associated with the former Revolutionary Communist
⋯capitalism, corporatism, immigration, limits to growth, migration, monopoly
Old Browsers
If the main body of this page has rounded corners and subtle drop-shadow effects with a stylish Diavlo font face instead of Arial / Helvetica / sans-serif, chances are you are already using a modern browser. If you see square borders and a default sans-serif font, then you should be aware your browser doesn’t support
⋯Computing, migration
Migration Myth Busting
It looks like the globalist growth lobby has been busy copying and pasting its Migration Myths all over government-sponsored Websites and many run by spurious NGOs. Hint if someone is providing information free of charge in a glossy format, it’s probably not very reliable. As always first-hand fact finding goes a long way. I live
⋯capitalism, corporatism, limits to growth
You're just a customer!!
Many of us have been so beguiled by corporate speak encroaching on everyday conversations that we have failed to notice how previous categories of people such as travellers, passengers, users, taxpayers, citizens or just plain people have morphed into customers, worthy only because of our purchasing power. Yet just 10 or 15 years ago, the
The Keynsian Dream is Over
None of the major parties in the UK have had the courage to tell the electorate the unpalatable truth. They act as mere middle managers or public relations officers, somewhere between their masters in global banking, energy cartels and military-industrial establishment and the hundreds of thousands of minion bureaucrats in the UK`s non-productive public and
⋯capitalism, corporatism, hegemony
Metamorphosis of the Labour Party
How the Party of workers came to represent a bunch of non-productive consumers Little divided the main political parties in the run-up to the 2010 UK General Election. They all support the supremacy of transnational corporations, the banking cartel and the Euro-American military-industrial complex. The Liberal Democrats and Conservatives may voice their theoretical opposition to
Oil Discovered Off the Falkland Islands?
Are all wars ultimately motivated by Greed? How very convenient, by mere coincidence around 60 billion barrels of oil has been discovered within 150 miles of the Falkland Islands. Before you conclude this will save our economy from the effects of peak oil, that’s approximately 2.75 years of global consumption and as in the North
⋯The Daily Motorist Mindset
The recent cold snap over much Western Europe with temperature lows not seen since infamous winter of 1963 has prompted Daily Mail columnists and their avid readers to deny any human effects on our eco-system. Yep, just because we are gripped by Arctic weather, does not mean 800 million motor vehicles and 6800 human beings