For the last 15 months I’ve been using a second-hand laptop purchased on ebay for £200 with a 1.3 GHz Athlon processor, 256MB RAM and a 20GB hard drive. I first installed Mandriva Linux 10.0 and owing to persistent power management problems I later tried the Ubuntu/Debian-based Simply Mepis distribution. With a little tinkering I
⋯Blair's Big Brother Binge
Blair’s Big Brother Binge If you thought genuine concerns over security and welfare motivated the deceptively named bills in Tony Blair’s final Queen’s speech, in all likelihood you believed him when he reassured us of his noble aims to rid the world of the genocidal threat presented by Slobodan Milosevic, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam
Conspiracy Theory Slur
Many defenders of orthodoxy can simply shrug off all challenges to their sacrosanct worldview by dismissing them as conspiracy theories or urban myths. Recently a flurry of books have appeared to debunk conspiracy theories in totem by painting both empirically researched critiques of mainstream thinking and conjectural fantasies with the same brush, thus equating the
The Awareness Raising Scam
On the surface there seems nothing wrong with bringing people’s attention to the plight of other human beings. As a concept awareness raising began life in political activism, but was soon embraced by the advertising industry. It does not take a huge leap of faith to conclude that National Smile Week, as delightful and charming
⋯awareness raising
The Misery Industry
In the run-up to New labour’s historic 1997 electoral victory, thespian extraordinaire Tony Blair launched his rallying soundbite “education, education, education“. Any brief exposure to modern teaching techniques as they have continued to evolve since would reveal the necessity to revise that slogan to “edutainment, edutainment, edutainment” . Outside the bustling edutainment sector with semi-privatised
⋯corporatism, new labour
Shameless Celebrity Promotion of Personality Disorders
Letter to the Independent (on Sunday) Judging from the Independent on Sunday’s feature on Stephen Fry’s high-profile outing as a bipolar-defined person, we can look forward to a new season of personality disorder awareness raising. If we believe the hype, until the mid 1990s human beings labelled with the new generation of behavioural disorders lived
⋯depression, mental health
Where OpenOffice could do better
Some may argue that you cannot fault the quality or features of free software, so if MS Office still offers a few bells and whistles that are a tad more polished than their OOo counterparts, a potential user need simply decide if these refinements are worth £200+. Yet OOo Writer has emerged not only as
⋯Two add Two equals Five because Four is a Racist Number
Racism, or more correctly in most cases xenophobia, is matter of ethics. It seems fair to conclude that racism has no place in any caring society because nobody benefits from being victims of prejudice based on arbitrary ethnic distinctions. In the real world prejudice is a natural by-product of extreme variations in wealth, rampant materialism,
You're just an Individual
Whether you read psychiatric literature, social work reports or listen to the speeches of leading politicians, you’ll find ordinary citizens increasingly referred to not as women, men, people, human beings or citizens but as individuals. Whether you lead an atypical lifestyle, are considered to suffer from a disorder or disease, are addicted to an obsessive
Globalitis: Why Economic Migration is not always Good News
This Wednesday’s Independent (UK edition, 26/07/06) ran a front page story spilling over to page two under the heading “Outstanding: Official Verdict on school that shows the success of immigration“. It featured a fabulous inner London primary school with twenty six pupils and twenty six languages, all apparently excelling academically and growing up bilingual in
⋯limits to growth
What is Open Source and why should you care?
Operating systems and productivity software are very much here with us to stay. The millions of person hours invested in the development of the powerful programmes many of us use every day will serve hundreds of millions of users for generations to come. Only five years ago a typical desktop system may have cost as
Why are you using still using Microsoft Internet Explorer?
You may just be wondering why it matters. Microsoft have their operating systems on over 90% of the world’s desktops and these just happen to ship with IE as the default browser. Not only that some sites use code specifically designed for Microsoft technologies like Active-X, so why not just take it easy and reap
A Curious Exchange on Gambling
I belong to the school of thought that views happiness as a state of emotional equilibrium in which one’s desires and material expectations are socially and environmentally sustainable. Should one feel unable to attain the required dose of desires in a highly competitive setting, this can indeed lead to too much misery. The broad theme
Who Needs Psychiatry?
Most human beings have undergone moments of emotional disturbance and have at times engaged in unwise and irrational behaviour due to inexperience, extreme stress or intoxication. Our unconscious may have created sensory illusions, echoes of past ordeals. Many of us have felt the need to withdraw, if only temporarily, in a world of our own.
⋯mental health
Managing Public Opinion
The Strange Case of Twelve Islamophobic Cartoons Over the last week the publication of a cartoon portraying the prophet Mohamed as a terrorist has dominated the Western European media sparking a phoney debate about freedom of expression from the very people who misled us about the recent invasion of Iraq. On one side we have
⋯free speech
Today's Hate Hour
“Today we’re dedicating our hate hour to an evil man, suffering from a chronic psychopathic sexual disorder. He deserves only contempt and should bury himself under the nearest rock. This man was caught viewing paedophiliac images on the Internet. We don’t have any evidence linking him to real-life sex crimes, but are in no doubt