Do the ruling classes engineer rapid social transformation, or do they just react to it? Nobody denies other groups of human beings can and do conspire to exploit, rob, maim or otherwise harm other people to further their own selfish ends. However, when such groups are large corporations or states, the mainstream media will usually
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Are we caught in an inescapable techno-trap?
Revisiting sustainability and the population paradox. Have you noticed that every problem, whether real, perceived or fabricated, now demands the same solution: more technocracy for the common good of public health and environmental sustainability. Whether it’s digital health passports in the guise of smart apps, universal basic income with social credits, fact-checkers acting as electronic
⋯Groupthink and the Totalitarian Mindset
Until the early 2000s I had taken it for granted that only outwardly autocratic dictatorships such as the former Soviet Union, Maoist China, Nazi Germany or North Korea required their citizens to think alike. As a cultural lefty, I’ve always prided myself on independence of mind, but also hoped humanity would converge on a more
⋯The Sheer Arrogance of the Davos Set
Ever since the 2020 technocratic coup, the billionaire class has only grown richer while the lower and middle classes have struggled to make ends meet without Mafia handouts. By Mafia, I mean the unholy alliance of large corporations and state entities that control our infrastructure and have their eyes set on every aspect of our
⋯The Mafia and its Minions
How yesteryear’s colonialists morphed into today’s trendsetters I’ve often struggled to find a concise and generally understood term for the ruling cabal that transcends national borders and nominally democratic institutions. Henceforth I will settle for the Sicilian word, Mafia. With all due respect to modern Italians, the mafiosi were mere amateurs compared to the extended
⋯Neither Washington nor Moscow, but Natural Humanity
Some readers may recognise the above slogan as a calque on the Socialist Workers’ Party’s old catchline ending in “but international socialism”. It appealed to the anti-establishment radical left who realised the old Soviet Union had failed to deliver the kind of Utopian communalism to which they aspired. How could we oppose American imperialism in
⋯Unwelcome Dilemmas in the age of Universal Deceit
For some time now, I have observed how most equality and diversity initiatives usually do the exact opposite. Equality tends to mean greater dependence on state handouts and large corporations, while banksters and tech tycoons consolidate their control over every aspect of our surroundings and private lives. Diversity tends to emphasise superficial differences and labels
⋯Who Wants War?
Just two weeks ago, Western leaders like Boris Johnson announced that Russia was poised to attack Ukraine. Considering the US still has military bases in many countries surrounding the Russian Federation and over 10 times the military budget, I doubted the Kremlin would risk triggering World War 3 to settle old scores with its Slavic
⋯great reset
Notes on Mass Formation and Psychological Vulnerability
Of late, alternative media channels have been abuzz with talk of conformism. How else can we explain why hundreds of millions of people around the world have let an engineered culture of fear control their behaviour, social interactions and perception of non-compliant neighbours. The fear has been so great, that many seemed oblivious to the
⋯groupthink, medical fascism
Confessions of a Twitter Addict
I may be able to keep my New Year’s resolution not to waste so much time trying to engage with other-minded people on Twitter. Following a short reply to a minor account on medical malpractice, my account has been suspended. My appeal to Twitter’s support team will probably fall on deaf ears. The woke enforcers
⋯censorship, free speech
The Biotech Industrial Complex
In a parallel universe somewhere, conscientious scientists, doctors, nurses and administrators battle with a novel coronavirus that threatens the very survival of our species, while the main media outlets controlled by governments and large enterprises join forces in a heroic effort to persuade us to adapt our behaviour and embrace our new bio-security state for
⋯The Death of Liberal Democracy
… and the sad case of Noam Chomsky Ever since the French Revolution, we have analysed political conflicts through the prism of the one-dimensional left-right spectrum. In the Western World, many believed the left somehow stood up for the commoners and the right represented the ruling classes. Today the corporate elites pose on the progressive
State-sanctioned Hate
How the mainstream media others natural free-thinking human beings We’re sleepwalking into a new global apartheid. In the post-covid era, segregation may no longer be based on your skin colour, ethnic identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability status. Today’s rulers want to divide the non-compliant from the obedient. Countless billions of dollars, euros,
Maniacal Meddlers
It was only a matter of time before the waning US Empire and its loyal allies had to withdraw from Afghanistan. The US outlay over the last 20 years has been around $2 trillion. This astronomical sum may have empowered the likes of Halliburton, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin but it has brought Afghanis and military
⋯hypocrisy, interventionism
Demonisation, Psychiatry and the New Progressive Eugenics
We’re witnessing a coordinated attack on critical thinkers who defend the now outdated concepts of bodily autonomy and free association. Your inclusion in polite society is now contingent on your stance on the safety of new mRNA injections marketed as vaccines. Until the day before yesterday, your medical history was in most public venues a
When Green meets Black
The public and private opinions of the controlled opposition Prominent members of the Spiked Online gang, most notably Brendan O’Neill, Tom Slater, Joanna Williams and Claire Fox, have over the last few years gained some street cred among critically thinking anti-establishment types for their well-articulated critiques of identity politics, censorship and the demonisation of working
The Equality Delusion
And the New Era of Eugenics The liberal consensus over the last seventy-odd years had, until recently, favoured equality of opportunity. As long we all have access to good and inspiring education with a supportive family and wider local community, we can all thrive in our chosen vocations. We may have allowed for a few
The Lying Classes
The well-to-do managerial classes suffer from an extreme form of cognitive dissonance. In public, they love to express their sympathy with the plight of the underclasses, especially those who belong to perceived victim groups. In private, they dream of a society where everyone shares their narrow worldview and the uncooperative great unwashed masses have either
⋯Corporate Censors and Fact Fabricators
If you get your news from the likes of the BBC and the Guardian, billing themselves as bastions of liberal progressivism, you might be forgiven for knowing little about the biggest anti-establishment protest in London since the massive February 2003 demonstration against the invasion of Iraq. No doubt, if such a large anti-government protest had
⋯censorship, medical freedom
Covid Cultism in the Age of Experts
Over a year has passed since the Global Government‘s Scottish branch imposed the first virus-inspired lockdown. Of course, the authorities rolled out variants of the same policy first across much of Europe and the Americas. We may note a few partial exceptions in Europe, such as Sweden and Belarus, and some US states, such as
⋯Another Twitter Suspension
The tech media giants started with easy high-profile targets, either genuine white supremacists, à la Red Ice, or sensationalist purveyors of American Exceptionalism and half-truths à la Infowars. They knew blocking these channels would only annoy a small subset of their customers. Few politicians would dare speak up in defence of these fringe outlets. Next,
⋯censorship, free speech
Is the Party over?
What goes up, must come down. Ever since the birth of Keynesian economics and the abandonment of the Gold Standard in 1933, the world’s economy has thrived on material growth. The more people who could transform their labour into greater consumer demand, the merrier. This model was so successful that by 2019, obesity had replaced
⋯eugenics, overpopulation
Is this the End of the American Dream?
How the virus scare empowers Big Tech Oligarchs The global establishment has almost universally welcomed the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the presidency of a republic that is still the world’s largest economy. All the usual suspects rejoiced in the ousting of the much-reviled former President, Donald Trump. We may never know
Censorship is a Licence to Kill
Free speech saves lives The ultimate irony of ironies is that we should rely on the government, the mainstream media and social media giants to protect us against dangerous misinformation for the greater good. Allegedly such misleading information could discourage impressionable people from following official guidelines. This paternalistic attitude relies on the flawed assumption that
⋯big pharma, censorship
How did it come to this?
The steady drift to technofascism As governments roll out a fresh set of lockdowns in country after country, more and more of us wonder if this is really about a virus. Many people who supported the first lockdown, as a temporary measure to save lives in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, are beginning to doubt
⋯Private and Public Opinions
How affluent liberal progressives think of themselves as a master race We all tell white lies from time to time, preferring to tell others what they want to hear rather than what we really think. This may seem fine when commenting on your partner’s new hairdo. You may prefer her old style, but you don’t
⋯limits to growth, mental health
Down the Rabbit Hole !
Notes on the abject dishonesty of the technocratic elites We are well and truly entering a twilight zone, in which a frighteningly large number of our neighbours see us either as potential traitors or biohazards. Only a year ago refusing to shake someone’s hand because of their skin colour or some other immutable trait would
⋯Blaming the Naughty Plebs again!
How our rulers rewrite history to dissociate themselves from their earlier crimes Ever since the corona scare started earlier this year, the mainstream media has raised the profile of assorted opinion leaders, movers and shakers, closely aligned with what we may call the biotech industrial complex, a curious outgrowth of the better-understood military industrial complex.
⋯No Human Being is Illegal, really?
Unpersoning social misfits Cast your mind back to the recent past when refugee rights activists adopted the powerful slogan “No Human Being is illegal”. Unless you’re a psychopath lacking the most basic compassion for other human beings on the planet, it’s hard to disagree. Of course, the statement in and of itself does not mean
⋯One World Love turns to Global Panic
Have you noticed how the same managerial classes who had until yesterday been extolling the virtues of open borders and mass migration have switched gear in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? All of a sudden the same experts and pundits who claim to favour a melting pot of all peoples with an integrated world economy
⋯The End of British Exceptionalism
Do our global policy makers welcome Scottish Separatism? As the first exit polls came in after polls closed on Thursday 12 December, one key trend caught my attention. While the working classes in the Midlands and North of England had swung to the Conservatives, many voting Tory for the first time in their lives, Scottish
⋯capitalism, hegemony
How the Blair Era begat Corbynism
And how powerful forces commandeer youthful idealism to further totalitarian aims Labour’s new army of social justice warriors have learned a bitter lesson. While they may appeal to some special interest groups and social service professionals, they have lost touch with their base outside a few culturally diverse inner-city areas. As the results of the
⋯capitalism, communism, corporatism, Linguistics